Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Discourse On Healing

A young woman was not feeling her usual energetic and upbeat self, so she went to see her Guru and asked the Guru, "Please tell me, what is illness...?"

The guru replied, "Illness is the dis-ease of the physical body; those negative things which the (Inner) Self no longer wishes to be a part of, therefore manifesting them into a physical state in order to be removed from “its” presence."

The young woman then asked, "If the ‘Self’ is pure love by nature, why does it manifest such things within our bodies, creating us to feel unwell or endure pain?"

Guru: "Imagine your life. Think over the days, the months, the years - even the minutes and seconds - that you have lived upon this earth. And through these years, you have had experiences that have created discomfort within your heart and your mind, bringing about a state of “dis” ease.

“These things which have occurred, have been nothing more than lessons for your ‘Self’ to encounter as experience garnered and understanding realized, in the progression towards Self-Realization.

“As the human mind is conditioned to operate, it holds onto these things. It feeds the experiences with emotion, and in so doing, it feeds EGO. The more EGO is fed, the further away from the connection to Self - hence "Edging God out".

“As it continues to hold on to these experiences, and emotion then feeds into the experience now creating a "situation" which is negative, it begins to expand in size, shape, and then begins to find itself  taking form. Where can this form and physical entity go, since it is the human mind that has created it within the consciousness? It must take physical form within the body.

“When the Self finally has enough of this cycle of creating those things which need not be created, it then sends a message of dis-comfort and ill-ease. This then sends an individual to see a physician who can then diagnose the problem, and help to remove it from the body."

The young woman asked, "Guru… how can someone remove these things?"

The Guru replied, "Ahh, herein lay the answers.

“When you imagine a ball of physical energy within an encapsulated space, mixed together with the physical presence of cells, it begins to form a tangible creation. You can then turn to a physician to remove this tangible creation from your body - either by cutting it out, or by taking medications to remove it; sometimes, spiritual removal may be necessary for the physical to be removed. But always, the spiritual removal, and the physical removal, must occur by change in attitude and action.

“When you have created something out of no-thing, you can then destroy ‘that’ which you have created, by simply redirecting knowingness in a different direction."

The girl asked, "Guru, what must change to destroy that which has been created?"

The Guru replied, "Mindset.

“When you understand that each experience that has happened in your lifetime is nothing more than a process for the Self to grow, by having that experience, and you can understand that the experience happened through you, and not to you, you can begin the process of healing the dis-eased physical body.

“The more attention and energy that you give to an experience, creating it into a situation with emotion, the bigger it will grow and the harder it will take hold.

“In realizing that while the Self is the driver of this physical vessel, and the experiences which occur are very real, when one can separate Self from the physical entity, one can then understand and realize that the experiences are not happening to Us, the spirit, but to us, the physical.

“In order for the Self to gain these experiences for progression in learning, it must open the physical up to the opportunity for these experiences. And while many of these experiences may seem unpleasant, one must also understand that they are happening at the exact moment in time and space, for a reason. It must happen this way.

“When you can understand this, and you can take the energy of these experiences and ball them up tightly, placing a bubble around them, and then releasing them to the Universe, knowing that in releasing and in forgiving (which is a major part of releasing), then the process of healing and manifesting correct health to the physical body, is underway.

“Of course, eating correctly and maintaining the conscience self to inner-Self connection, this will enable correct health to persevere."

The girl asked, "Guru, why is it sometimes that dis-ease cannot be removed from the body?"

The Guru replied, "Because, on some level, one has not completely let go and removed the energy feed connected to EGO. The dis-ease in itself may create the situation, which continues to feed EGO with emotion and acceptance of the diagnosis. And this, in and of itself, can become the greatest lesson."



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