When we hold back our truth, allow ourselves to be directed to those things which are for other's best interest (or possibly what they feel is best for us), or we don't stand up for ourselves, we fall prey to sickness that is created from stress.
This will be manifested in lack of sleep. Diet becomes poor. And soon our minds become overwhelmed with cloudiness. This can lead to depression and manifest into physical dis-ease - all the way from common cold to more disastrous manifestations.
Should you find yourself in this place, you must put on the brakes. Go within and find out if it is "worth it" - and I will tell you here and now, if you are feeling this lousy, it is NEVER 'worth it'. So, stop it. Just stop. Create change.
Often, we refuse to make the change for FEAR of the unknown. As EGO-driven human beings, we have become so over-consumed with the need of exact planning and knowing, that we end up imprisoning ourselves in the very notion of the things in which we hoped to find freedom.
Giving up this FEAR, relinquishing hold of that need for total and complete control, is in itself, freedom. It is in this manner that we break free from the bonds that have kept us shackled and made us sick.
This is why, often you will hear of stories of individuals in their "middle-age" years, suddenly creating some massive changes. The world looks in and calls this "mid-life crisis". The individuals experiencing this will tell you that they never felt so free, and "carefree" in their lives. To wake up in the morning with a big smile and just allowing life to happen. Living in the moment, and not worrying about the next moment. This is Awakening to the bigger picture of Realisation that life is for living and experiencing, not for striving and dying.
These individuals experiencing this sort of freedom, often start to look better. They look younger, more refreshed, revitalized and they truly enjoy life. Those who continue on living this way, experience long-term positive consequences. They will change their diets, exercise routines, and start to live in the moment rather than live for the moment. Often, you will hear them express a little hint of regret that they wished they had come to this place of realisation "years ago".
When you come to an understanding that this is nothing more than an Awakening, how can these actions be seen as a "crisis"? It can only been seen as such by those who are still chained to the conveyor belt of societies notions and dictates of what human beings on this earth "should" and "shouldn't" do, or how we should be and live.
When you begin to feel the dis-ease of conformity and the ill-health that is brings with it, what is actually happening in these reactions, is the Universe informing you that you are not on the right path. You are focused too strongly in steering the course rather than giving it up to the Universe to direct and steer for you.
The moment you create that change and give yourself up, and over to the Universe to direct your flow, and you begin to take the action in the right direction, all stress and dis-ease created from the subconscious ceases.
When you know that the Universe is a part of you and your flow in alignment with It taps you in to great abundance, it is the moment that your trust and faith becomes turned on. It no longer becomes a cognitive "trust" and "faith" as we humans express it, but a simple Be-ing in the Knowing, this is when the obstacles no longer exist and we are completely free to live our lives. We become free to simply Be and enjoy Be-ing. We are no longer held captive by what society deems is necessary or needed.
When the energy that we place on financial success is removed, and when we remove that "need" for financial success, we find that we are wealthier than we ever imagined. In knowing and understanding that wealth, it is amazing how it begins to manifest into physicality so that we are never in need. Should we then find moments when we do have a need, in our awakened state-of-being, we find comfort in simply knowing that the "need" is taken care of and the Universe has provided.
You not only feel like you have lost tremendous weight, but the stress in your life immediately disappears. When you are now in "this" place, abundance of all kinds begin to flow to you in the right-actions you are taking.
It is in that moment that our eyes open to this truth, we become transformed Be-ings of Light experiencing physicality, that we can truly enjoy this experience, and all experience that this journey of being a physical entity upon this earth brings.
_/|\_©Leyla Hur
All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of this material without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.
thank you for this thought today.