Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's Not a "Crisis". It's an "Awakening".

When we hold back our truth, allow ourselves to be directed to those things which are for other's best interest (or possibly what they feel is best for us), or we don't stand up for ourselves, we fall prey to sickness that is created from stress.

This will be manifested in lack of sleep. Diet becomes poor. And soon our minds become overwhelmed with cloudiness. This can lead to depression and manifest into physical dis-ease - all the way from common cold to more disastrous manifestations.

Should you find yourself in this place, you must put on the brakes. Go within and find out if it is "worth it" - and I will tell you here and now, if you are feeling this lousy, it is NEVER 'worth it'. So, stop it. Just stop. Create change.

Often, we refuse to make the change for FEAR of the unknown. As EGO-driven human beings, we have become so over-consumed with the need of exact planning and knowing, that we end up imprisoning ourselves in the very notion of the things in which we hoped to find freedom.

Giving up this FEAR, relinquishing hold of that need for total and complete control, is in itself, freedom. It is in this manner that we break free from the bonds that have kept us shackled and made us sick.

This is why, often you will hear of stories of individuals in their "middle-age" years, suddenly creating some massive changes. The world looks in and calls this "mid-life crisis". The individuals experiencing this will tell you that they never felt so free, and "carefree" in their lives. To wake up in the morning with a big smile and just allowing life to happen. Living in the moment, and not worrying about the next moment. This is Awakening to the bigger picture of Realisation that life is for living and experiencing, not for striving and dying.

These individuals experiencing this sort of freedom, often start to look better. They look younger, more refreshed, revitalized and they truly enjoy life. Those who continue on living this way, experience long-term positive consequences. They will change their diets, exercise routines, and start to live in the moment rather than live for the moment. Often, you will hear them express a little hint of regret that they wished they had come to this place of realisation "years ago".

When you come to an understanding that this is nothing more than an Awakening, how can these actions be seen as a "crisis"? It can only been seen as such by those who are still chained to the conveyor belt of societies notions and dictates of what human beings on this earth "should" and "shouldn't" do, or how we should be and live.

When you begin to feel the dis-ease of conformity and the ill-health that is brings with it, what is actually happening in these reactions, is the Universe informing you that you are not on the right path. You are focused too strongly in steering the course rather than giving it up to the Universe to direct and steer for you.

The moment you create that change and give yourself up, and over to the Universe to direct your flow, and you begin to take the action in the right direction, all stress and dis-ease created from the subconscious ceases.

When you know that the Universe is a part of you and your flow in alignment with It taps you in to great abundance, it is the moment that your trust and faith becomes turned on. It no longer becomes a cognitive "trust" and "faith" as we humans express it, but a simple Be-ing in the Knowing, this is when the obstacles no longer exist and we are completely free to live our lives. We become free to simply Be and enjoy Be-ing. We are no longer held captive by what society deems is necessary or needed.

When the energy that we place on financial success is removed, and when we remove that "need" for financial success, we find that we are wealthier than we ever imagined. In knowing and understanding that wealth, it is amazing how it begins to manifest into physicality so that we are never in need. Should we then find moments when we do have a need, in our awakened state-of-being, we find comfort in simply knowing that the "need" is taken care of and the Universe has provided.

You not only feel like you have lost tremendous weight, but the stress in your life immediately disappears. When you are now in "this" place, abundance of all kinds begin to flow to you in the right-actions you are taking. 

It is in that moment that our eyes open to this truth, we become transformed Be-ings of Light experiencing physicality, that we can truly enjoy this experience, and all experience that this journey of being a physical entity upon this earth brings.


©Leyla Hur
All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of this material without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Discourse On Healing

A young woman was not feeling her usual energetic and upbeat self, so she went to see her Guru and asked the Guru, "Please tell me, what is illness...?"

The guru replied, "Illness is the dis-ease of the physical body; those negative things which the (Inner) Self no longer wishes to be a part of, therefore manifesting them into a physical state in order to be removed from “its” presence."

The young woman then asked, "If the ‘Self’ is pure love by nature, why does it manifest such things within our bodies, creating us to feel unwell or endure pain?"

Guru: "Imagine your life. Think over the days, the months, the years - even the minutes and seconds - that you have lived upon this earth. And through these years, you have had experiences that have created discomfort within your heart and your mind, bringing about a state of “dis” ease.

“These things which have occurred, have been nothing more than lessons for your ‘Self’ to encounter as experience garnered and understanding realized, in the progression towards Self-Realization.

“As the human mind is conditioned to operate, it holds onto these things. It feeds the experiences with emotion, and in so doing, it feeds EGO. The more EGO is fed, the further away from the connection to Self - hence "Edging God out".

“As it continues to hold on to these experiences, and emotion then feeds into the experience now creating a "situation" which is negative, it begins to expand in size, shape, and then begins to find itself  taking form. Where can this form and physical entity go, since it is the human mind that has created it within the consciousness? It must take physical form within the body.

“When the Self finally has enough of this cycle of creating those things which need not be created, it then sends a message of dis-comfort and ill-ease. This then sends an individual to see a physician who can then diagnose the problem, and help to remove it from the body."

The young woman asked, "Guru… how can someone remove these things?"

The Guru replied, "Ahh, herein lay the answers.

“When you imagine a ball of physical energy within an encapsulated space, mixed together with the physical presence of cells, it begins to form a tangible creation. You can then turn to a physician to remove this tangible creation from your body - either by cutting it out, or by taking medications to remove it; sometimes, spiritual removal may be necessary for the physical to be removed. But always, the spiritual removal, and the physical removal, must occur by change in attitude and action.

“When you have created something out of no-thing, you can then destroy ‘that’ which you have created, by simply redirecting knowingness in a different direction."

The girl asked, "Guru, what must change to destroy that which has been created?"

The Guru replied, "Mindset.

“When you understand that each experience that has happened in your lifetime is nothing more than a process for the Self to grow, by having that experience, and you can understand that the experience happened through you, and not to you, you can begin the process of healing the dis-eased physical body.

“The more attention and energy that you give to an experience, creating it into a situation with emotion, the bigger it will grow and the harder it will take hold.

“In realizing that while the Self is the driver of this physical vessel, and the experiences which occur are very real, when one can separate Self from the physical entity, one can then understand and realize that the experiences are not happening to Us, the spirit, but to us, the physical.

“In order for the Self to gain these experiences for progression in learning, it must open the physical up to the opportunity for these experiences. And while many of these experiences may seem unpleasant, one must also understand that they are happening at the exact moment in time and space, for a reason. It must happen this way.

“When you can understand this, and you can take the energy of these experiences and ball them up tightly, placing a bubble around them, and then releasing them to the Universe, knowing that in releasing and in forgiving (which is a major part of releasing), then the process of healing and manifesting correct health to the physical body, is underway.

“Of course, eating correctly and maintaining the conscience self to inner-Self connection, this will enable correct health to persevere."

The girl asked, "Guru, why is it sometimes that dis-ease cannot be removed from the body?"

The Guru replied, "Because, on some level, one has not completely let go and removed the energy feed connected to EGO. The dis-ease in itself may create the situation, which continues to feed EGO with emotion and acceptance of the diagnosis. And this, in and of itself, can become the greatest lesson."



Sunday, April 29, 2012

Oneness Is The Cure-All

We are all One regardless of race, religion, orientation, or colour. Oneness transcends the physicality’s that are in the physical.

Oneness is Universal, it is etheric, it is Spirit, and it is Connection.

The moment we tap into that Oneness, embrace it in knowing-ness, is the moment that we start to open our eyes with new sight. Every-thing and every-one is seen with an amazing amount of love, and true beauty is seen. Complete and total acceptance of one and all is embraced. Sorrow becomes a fleeting moment, in that Knowing that ultimately we are all One and thus we will always be together. Anger becomes obsolete as the need for such is washed away with the transcendence above minor aggravations. And while we may still experience various emotions, understanding and acknowledging them, but then letting them simply flow on, helps us to remain connected to the present moment without dissociating and becoming emotion-less.

This is not about losing emotion and becoming robotic. This is about understanding, acknowledging, accepting, for the lessons in experience and mind-expansion which may later aid you in the teaching experience.

In this understanding, we rise above the meaning of "emotion" as defined in temporal logic, to that of a greater understanding, a Self-realized understanding and connection to the ethereal emotions.

In this place, we will experience less dis-ease, for any dis-ease of the body, or mind, is a physical manifestation of the previous moment's negativity.

Whatever we feel or think or experience, if not released but rather buried deep within, will at some point in time need to be released. How does the physical body remove something that is affecting the Spiritual Self? It creates dis-ease, dis-comfort. It produces events that bring one to realisation. It brings one to awakening.

What do I mean by "awakening"?

The human body was designed as a complex and highly evolved vessel for the purpose of carrying the Self; the Divine You and the Divine Me, and the Divine We, to encounter the human life experience.

Scientists and metaphysicians have, for years, said that we only use a small portion of our brains. Sci-fi creators have shown us in movies and books, that those who are 'alien' are much higher evolved in that they utilize much more of their brain functions.

But the connection is still not being made between Self and self.

Whatever becomes manifest within our human bodies, is a direct information message from the Divine Self - the "soul" if you will, to express that it is time for us to move forward, and upward.

Many people are not aware of this, nor do they embrace it. An individual becomes diagnosed with an illness, and they immediately take ownership over the illness; they call it "my ... disease"; such as "My diabetes", "My cancer", "My flu"... etc.

Owning it locks it into place within the human body. It does not release it. It does not give it permission to leave.

But first, we must look at what has caused these dis-eases. Most people will look at the scientific reasons; "I smoked for X number of years", "My parents had diabetes and heart disease", etc...

The first thing that we must do, is let go of the excuses that have caused and created such dis-ease(s) and understand the reason(s) WHY they have manifested into physicality.

Here is a scenario, a young girl is molested. She endures the pain in loss of trust, physical pain, and becomes emotionally ill.

As she grows older, she cannot trust others, she looks at her body as the cause of the originating "problem". If she looked a certain way, maybe she would not have been molested.

So, she begins to starve herself (or maybe overeat) in a two-fold issue; 1) to punish the body that created the allure to the molester, and 2) to create a body that no one would wish to harm.

Maybe, she begins to cut herself, or burn herself. Psychologically, we can analyze this as the self-mutilation in order to release and "feel". But often, those emotions that drives one to such activity, is not just the "high" sought from the pain, but the Self being translated and understood by means of release – which is what creates that temporary “high” feeling. But these methods of release have been MIS-understood, and MIS-interpreted by the conscious mind.

And as time progresses, maybe this individual attempts suicide, becomes overly consumed with the pain of the experience(s), that they now have created a dis-ease within the mind, of depression, or bi-polar, or borderline personality, etc...

The more she holds on to the pain and angst of the experience(s), there becomes physical dis-ease within the body. Maybe cancer...

OK, I stop here to explain.

Often, those who are diagnosed with such dis-eases as cancer can tell of times in their past that they were hurt or experiences which they still hold on to - maybe it is anger, fear, sorrow, etc.

The Divine Self works in such a manner that while we are experiencing these cognitive and physical happenings, the "boss" (to use a crass expression) – which is the all-knowing Divine Self – that Connected Oneness - over this physical body will express when it is time to let go. When it is time to eradicate the past experiences and move forward.

So, it creates a dis-ease to occur in the body, such as cancer. If we stop looking at this dis-ease as a death sentence, and we start to look at it as the blessing that is there to wake us up, and help us to revisit the negativity of our past, ball it all up, and truly let it go.

In the instance of an individual who has been molested or offended, there must also come in the release, a forgiving. The individual who committed the act(s) was a very sad individual who had no power or control in some aspect of their own life, so they exercised their power and control over another, and stole that instead of going within and creating it for themselves. To continue to allow the pain and sorrow of incidents that happened in the past to affect you, hold you back, keep you down, is continuing to feed energy to the individual. In essence, you are now willingly giving your power and control to the individual(s) who took it from you. Why are you still giving them what they want? When will you decide to take back your power and control, and cut the line that is feeding them?

In holding on to anything negative, we are feeding part of our Selves into it, and thus creating vacuums of positive space within our Selves. When we do this, we are left unprotected and dis-ease has room to manifest into something physical and thus turning that positive space into negative space.

In the past few years, I have begun to hear more and more people speak about "bucket lists". Things that they wish to do, see, and accomplish before they die. Most people have, on their bucket list, things like bungee diving, or visit the Taj Mahal, or climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, etc. In fact, there is a whole comedy series dedicated to doing things on a bucket list.

But I think that the premise of this is misunderstood. While it is wonderful and great to visit these places, undertake such activities, these are all surface things.

The deeper picture of such a list would be to revisit the past for a moment in time to release things which have potential to manifest into physical dis-ease later down the line.

To revisit those times in your life which have caused much pain and sorrow and upset, to look back at it from the present time, acknowledge that it occurred but then to come to the resolve to no longer give it the energy that it has been feeding off of you for so long, and cut that energy flow. Simply cut it off. When we cut energy flow to anything, it dies. Even a ceiling fan, when energy bursts something within and that flow of electricity is lost, the fan ceases to work, ceases to operate, and it dies.

So too with all these experiences, bundle them up into a ball that is the negative past, and cut off the energy that had fed them. Then let it all go.

At that moment in time when we can view our Selves, not as mere physical creations, but truly digest and understand that we are nothing more than Spiritual Be-ings that are driving a physical body and having a physical experience; and we remove EGO from the equation of what is and what is not, we will begin to walk the path to attain Oneness.

Oneness, I can very easily sum it up to mean that connection of the Divine Self and the physical self. Then taking that Oneness of Self-realisation further, to connect to others, in acknowledging that we are all the same, are all one small part of the great One.

When we each can attain this level of Oneness and Connectedness and Understanding, we accept all, then at that time, we will evolve as a race and true peace will be upon this earth.

So, now is the time when we start to wake up. Start to eradicate before it can physically manifest. Open yourself up and Connect, and become At One.



Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why Spirituality Doesn't Always "Work"

Many people embrace the idea of creating positive change in their lives. They begin by going through the motions - maybe buying self-help books, watching inspiring and uplifting movies that talk about creating positive change. Maybe they will begin to meditate, or they will seek out a Spiritual Master to learn from and follow.

With as much good intentions that these individuals have within themselves for creating positive change, many will fall short, fall flat, or simply fall. Give up, give in, and return back to old habits. Some may even become cynical in their life and situations.

Many of us have seen this happen. We have watched these things unfold over the years. From the early days in the 1960s, when spirituality was becoming part of the centralized picture for many in the Western world. When Eastern philosophies began to emerge, and people began to create positive changes.

To the 1980s when this movement began to take on a new turn in it's evolving in the Western world.

A few years ago, new movies and books came out which garnered almost cult-like following in individuals sitting and manifesting and attracting to them in effort to fulfill the Law of Attraction movement. But when the "magic" that seemed to be promised did not eventuate for those sitting and staring at vision boards, and day-dreaming their lives away expecting miracles to occur with no action on their own part, the doubt and cynicism began to emerge once again.

While many may look at these efforts as "failures", I view them as blessings. Each has been a moment in time where minds were expanded, opened, and a little more understanding garnered. And while the stories may not have been complete, it was a beginning of a foundation - maybe a doorway to the foundation which was to be laid.

So, why have most of these things all faltered and a majority of people losing the "plot"? The reason is simple. People continue to believe in, or choose, the parts that they want to... the "easy" parts, but do not choose to embrace the entire. This is the biggest falter. We choose what is easy, what is pleasant - the "fluff", but to truly release the negatives and become absolutely free, we must also look and embrace the parts that earth-bonded individuals may find distasteful, or "difficult" to accept. Remember, that comes from EGO, and EGO is Edging God Out.

Many people view God - or form of Divinity - as an aspect apart from our Selves. A distant Being that is an entity or "person" contained within ItSelf.

Instead of accepting and digesting that the truth is, we are ALL Divine. We each are God/Divine embodied into human, and physical, form. God is everywhere and God is Us, just as much as we are God.

This is not understood and embraced from the EGO, earth-held-down concept, but from a spiritual perspective and understanding.

When we can separate our Selves from our experiences, we can then truly come to a place within that allows for the complete and total cognition that we truly are nothing more than Spiritual Be-ings having an earth-bound, physical experience.

At that time of understanding, and cognition, that each and every experience we encounter is solely for our own spiritual progression, on our own path to attain Nirvana/Jannah/Paradise - that place where time truly is endless, and returning and reliving and re-experiencing, becomes obsolete.

When we attain this Knowing that we are separate from our experiences, and that each is simply a lesson for us to learn, which in time will then be utilized in teaching, we understand that things do not happen TO us, but rather THROUGH us. And when we can come to this place of releasing the desperate need to grasp on to the emotion of things that we perceive have happened TO us, we truly become free to simply live and experience.

While emotion is still attached to each experience, we come to a place where we can understand the need to express emotion without allowing it to become a control issue. We can simply experience, and then release it once we have experienced.

Holding on desperately to emotion becomes a habit. We create pain in that desperation to hold on to the habit. That pain becomes something that we understand, we "know" it, we become lost in it, we continue to allow abuse to occur because of it. We identify with it, and it becomes our identifying label.

The question then must be, what purpose does it serve for us? Have we learned from it? And if we have learned from it, what is the point of still holding on to it? Are we still learning, or have we become lost in the habit of simply holding on?

Once we can understand and realise that our experiences are separate from Us (the Divine Spirit that is encapsulated by the physical form), and we release hold of any and all negative emotions holding us captive, then we can approach all experiences with that open knowledge that they are nothing more than learning experiences. That they are not happening TO us, but are there to go THROUGH us - for us to learn and experience from, later to be passed on in teaching.

When we can truly grasp this, embrace it and KNOW it, then we will also be able to see through our Spiritual eye, and observe experiences around us, without becoming caught up in the earth-bound physical norms of emotion.

We will be able to look upon a perpetrator of an incident and an individual preyed upon, as individuals chosen to teach and lessons in experienced necessary for the soul's progression.

Each of us, in our various incarnations, have experienced life on "both sides of the fence". We have each been murderers, rapists, child molesters, politicians, wealthy, poor, murdered, raped, robbed, spiritual, teachers, etc... etc... etc...

Every incarnation brings with it a new lesson. We choose the lesson we are to learn, and when the time is Divine, we learn the lesson - or we choose to provide the lesson for another. Which is why labels such as "victim" carry such negativity because we are placing our Selves in a lesser, and subservient plane. What we are saying is that this experience happened TO us, and not THROUGH us as the powerful and strong spirit we are that chose (or was chosen) to be in the blessed moment to create the lesson, or to learn that which we needed in the experience for that incarnation.

When we judge another for their lesson, or their teaching in any particular incarnation, we are truly judging our own Selves - if we have not already lived through the incarnation where we have experienced this, then we are judging what is yet to come.

At the moment that each of us "gets" this, our own individual and personal "Ah-ha moment"; is when our lives will truly turn around. When we will no longer equate ourselves with victimization to environmental experiences which are given to us at the exact perfect moment in time when we are ready to learn. When we "get this", we rise above all labels. We experience and learn and accept and see the blessing in everything.

Responsibility will still be garnered but it is a different kind of understanding of that responsibility. We accept the responsibility that it was something that needed to occur when it did for our own spiritual progression, as well as the karmic progression of those associated with it. When we come to this place, we can heal ourselves from that which we caused (the guilt), and that which we had inflicted/taught to us (the victim label). And when healing is attained, forgiveness and release complete, understanding in learning, then we become freed of our karmic and emotional ties, and open to continued progression in learning.

Experiencing life through Spiritual eyes, lifts us from the burdens that ransack our bliss and the beauty and excitement of adventure that each new moment brings. When we embrace every single opportunity for experience, no matter where you are in the present moment - if you are sitting in your mansion on a hill, or a jail cell in a prison - you will be free. Completely and totally free. And you will LIVE life with exuberance, bliss and complete acceptance of where you are in the gift that is the present.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Change", The Theme of the Day

(Originally posted: Tuesday, 7 February 2012)

Today, I embark on my journey of this day with an attitude of "change" feeling like an overbearing presence. True, things have been such lately where I've had "Up" and "Down" moments, but these have all been external. And by that, I mean, they have been controlled by someone outside of my Be-ing. Information given has created my spirits to soar, or brought be crashing down with a thump. Then the questions of "why?" comes to me...

WHY am I allowing someone else control over my life?
WHY am I allowing outside influences to control my emotions?
WHY am I allowing others to dictate what my path is?
WHY am I allowing myself to be subjected to other's?
WHY am I allowing myself to lose control over Me?
WHY am I allowing Self to be injured?
WHY am I allowing all this?

The trending is obvious... "allowing". I have been giving permission to others to control my moods, my highs and my lows, my concerns, my feelings of being "stuck", my being held back, my being in a "holding pattern". I had given up my power and control to others, and then I began to suffer for it.

Tonight is the full moon. It was quite poignant in what this full moon was creating; change. " The Full Moon is Tuesday, February 7 at 2:57 PM Mountain Standard Time. If anything is really stuck in your life right now it will show up in its full glory. Use the influence of the full moon to identify what it is and to move something that will begin a shift in the situation. It could be more communication in a stagnant relationship, it could be changing something in your work or it could be finally making a decision you have been putting off. Honor this movement with moving something around in your immediate environment. At the least get some fresh flowers for your home and maybe clean out your fridge. Most of all, have a little humor regarding all the seductive drama around you and practice some neutrality even if what is up for you in your life is difficult. See this time as an opportunity instead of something you must put up with and survive. Enjoy!"It is a period of change for many of us. But we cannot allow the dicates of others to control much of the change. Gandhi so aptly put it "Be the change...", and while the quote is broken, this is the most important. Be the change you wish to see in the world, in your environment, in every aspect of who YOU are and YOUR world, just simple BE.

Often, with change comes release. Release of energy, release of control over you, and release of physical presences. That might mean spring cleaning, cleaning out your junk closet, or clearing from your life those who hold you back and hold you down - the ones who have been running and dictating your life.

What we each have to continually hold on to is that we are each individuals. We are each unique. No-one has right to hold you down or hold you back, dictate what you can and can not do, play with your emotions or your heart, or give you false hopes.

But, we cannot control what others choose to do. What we can control is how we react, and how we choose to allow these things to affect us, or if we even choose to allow it at all.

We each have a voice, and a basic Universal freedom to stand up and say "No! No more!" and then create that change in our lives.

Today, I am undertaking that change. I am releasing that (and those) who have attempted to control different aspects of my life where I felt out of control of.

It's a good day. A day of liberation. A day of change. A day to create vacuums to be filled by positives and things which will take me in the direction that I choose to go.

This is not about EGO-based selfishness, but rather Divine Selfishness, where we receive for the Self in order to become whole for all others.

I am ready, I am excited, and I am jumping off this super highway of consitency and exiting at "Change" and embracing the opportunity to shake things up, and have fun doing so...

Take a deep breath, and release...



©Leyla Hur
All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of this material without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We're All Perfect

In the past, I have often spoken about labels, but I felt inspired to speak about this again, and to also extend this a little further - to the seeking of the label of "perfection". I want to speak about those labels that we assign ourselves, and those that we assign to others. It seems, our species is one where we feel uncomfortable simply accepting individuals, without having to place others in a category.

It also feels as if we assign guilt to ourselves through these labels. And the labelling and the self-guilt imposition, seems to also go hand-in-hand.

A friend recently divulged to me that they felt guilty because another friend was a drug addict, and that they had helped to perpetuate the addiction. And even though, the friend who is addicted had forgiven my friend their part in the addiction, my friend still held on to that guilt.

I told my friend that in any situation, barring that they had tied the friend down and stuck a needle full of drugs into their arm, the other person always has a choice. They can choose to fall into the trap of drugs, or they can choose to say "No".

This is the same with every situation in life. We can choose to fall into the trap of... (fill in the blank), or we can choose to say no.

If we get upset at something someone says, we are choosing to allow the other person to have an affect over us, and choosing to react to the words said.

How does all this go hand-in-hand with labeling? For one, when we label ourselves, we are giving other people permission to see us as the label portrays us. So for instance, if I were to keep saying "I Am fat... I really need to lose weight... Have you seen this extra tire around my waist?... etc"; I am giving others the label in which to see me as, instead of seeing me as simply, "Leyla".

Seeing a friend as an "addict" is still placing them into a category and a label. For us to be able to break free of the labels, we first need to stop placing labels and categories on ourselves, and others, and simply just see. What action they (or we) are taking in our lives, does not indivdiualize us as that label. We are still individuals Be-ings.

Another example, I wear a head scarf which identifies me to others as a Muslim. And while that is my religious path, it is not my identifier. In fact, those who know me, know that I identify more with my spirituality than what my religion labels me as. I embrace all goodness, in all paths, and above all, I am connected deelply with my Creator. I wear the head scarf for my own deeply personal reasons. But because we live in a society of labels and categories, people see me and stop and stare. Some smile, and some look upon me in fear, simply for wearing a scarf. Those who follow me, have followed me for years, and have heard me speak, etc., will know that there truly is nothing to fear in me. In fact, when I observe someone look at me in fear, or stopping dead in their tracks to scope me out, I tend to smile widely at them and say "Hello". I choose to not fall into the realm of the label they are placing on me, and instead choose to embrace them into my energy of love and openness. How they choose to react to my offer of acceptance and extension of that embrace, is up to them.

Another label many strive for, is the label of "perfection". What we don't realise and see, is that at this very moment, we are each perfect already. We are each exactly where we are supposed to be on our individual journeys through this earth experience. Some of us are in a place where we are filled with sorrow, or surrounded by anger and we wonder "how is this perfect?". It is perfect because right at this very minute, what you are going through is a lesson in experience. In the next minute, or two, or three, this very lesson may be used to help another person. It may be that we are fulfilling karma from past moments in this life, or previous lives. Every moment, every instant, has a specific purpose. And because of that, it is perfect.

So we do not need to "strive" for perfection, we already attain it.

Perfection is often seen from an earthly viewpoint of having everything we desire. But the truth is, when we remove all matter and substance, and we become that of our true nature, which is simply energy, we are already in perfection. We already have everything we desire, because we are in everything and everything, is in us. We are a part of the Creator, the energy mass that we also call God, and in that we are each, all already, perfect.



©Leyla Hur
All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of this material without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Silence Is Golden...

Most people will associate the terminology "Silence is Golden" these days, with the pre-movie reel in theatres reminding patrons to turn off the cell-phones. But this saying goes much deeper than simply turning off an electronic device while sitting and being over-saturated with visual and mental stimulus in a dark movie theater.

In our world today, we are constantly "plugged in" to one device or other. No longer do we leave home to go shopping or for lunch/dinner without being tied to a communication device, constantly being "available". We are linked into and hooked up to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter constantly being "updated" to what is happening with our friends and those we follow. We receive breaking news in an instant via these devices, and because we can now access them through our mini mobile phones. We are constantly inundated with information.

Over-saturation in max-overdrive!

And while having these conveniences are an advantage in so many ways, as with any convenience, it can become a little over-the-top. As a human race, we are all so plugged in to one big communication device; and while the tether attaching us to this big communication device is wireless, nonetheless, we are still all attached.

Over the past few days, I have spoken about several different things, and I'd like to refer back to my article regarding the Divine DNA for a moment here. In that article, I explained how every single sentient being is connected via the Divine DNA. I explained that this is how we can communicate to each other and how that manifests when we look at someone from a distance and think something about them, or mention something about them, and they look directly at us - and we know they could not have heard us.

Communication devices today, have taken over the Divine Connection in so many ways. It keeps us occupied constantly, fillng our minds completely and not leaving time (or space) for Divine Communication to flow, or more importantly, for us to hear, and listen, when it does flow.

Years ago, I took a class on angels. And in this class, the instructor explained that at those times when we have that high pitched ringing sound in our ears, it is the Universe and Angels communicating with our souls. When it is too high, to simply say "Lower the frequency, please" and it will tune it down. And it does work, I do it often.

In our over-stimulus today world today, how often do we overlook or ignore these messages that are coming through to us? Either in the direct manner of the high pitched frequency, or more subtly? And how often does that "ringing in the ear" do nothing more than produce a frustrated feeling within?

Human Beings have attempted to become the operator of our physical bodies and our consciousness for far too long. In so doing; we, as a world populace, are filled with more stress, dis-ease, and lack in all areas. When we stop ourselves, take time for silence and to allow our soul/consciousness to connect, when we simply allow our Selves to flow and become as water, things begin to materialize for us faster, easier, and without much effort.

When I was in high school in Australia, we had one week where we were instructed by two motivational mentors. In that week I learned something that has stayed with me for over 20 years now, "work smart, not hard". As I sit in my living room this afternoon, living here in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona; enjoying the slight breeze that is making the wind chimes sing their song, as an accompaniment to the birds singing gleefully in the citrus trees; I think about how easy life truly is when we allow ourselves to simply just go with the flow. To allow the Universe to move us as we need to. To give ourselves up to the Universe, and as if on a tire flowing down a lazy-river, just enjoying the ride. Knowing that the Universe will provide all we need, when we need, and having that faith in that knowing. To me, that is working smart, not hard. Yes, still there is work involved, anything we wish to accomplish or achieve in life, still must take action. But, it's not hard work, it's smart work, it's going with the flow and simply allowing life to reveal the next step before you.

I think back to how I ended up in Scottsdale, Arizona. I had met my husband and moved down to Arizona to be with him. Where he was living was not an area which either of us liked, and the individual he was living with created a lot of issues for us. I had no idea about places in the Valley of the Sun, only that there seemed to be no greenery in this State whatsoever. One afternoon, we took a drive and ended up in Scottsdale. I fell in love at first sight, not just with the area, but the greenery and the energy also. I told my husband that this is where I wanted to live. He told me that this was a very expensive area, and we could probably never afford it. I told him that there was no such thing as "never", that if it is meant to be, it will happen. In my mind, I was already living here.

A few days later, we were speaking with friends when one lady was saying how her son was having some big problems. He was a manager of some apartments and someone had moved out in the middle of the night, and he needed to find someone to fill the apartment. I asked where the apartment was located, and learned that it was in Scottsdale. I asked how much was the rent, and it was right within our budget. Within another week, everything was finalized and we moved to Scottsdale. My husband was astounded.

When we slow down, when we allow silence into our Be-ingness, when we connect soul and consciousness, we can manifest easier because we know that we are on harmonic frequency with the Universe's timing.

When was the last time that you turned off your computer, your iPad, cell-phone, telephone (I was shocked when I was informed a few months ago that I was the only person a woman had encountered who still had a landline phone and no cell phone!), tv, radio and any other stimulus, and spent a day in complete and total silence?

Here is my challenge to you, find a day this week, any day, and spend it in complete and total silence. If you cannot manage a full day, then half a day, even 3 hours of a day. Just allow yourself to enjoy the silence. Quieten your mind. Meditate. Breathe deeper. Focus on your breathing. Smile. Just enjoy Be-ing. If you can extend it to two days, three days, fabulous. Just take a break from all the electronic stimuli, and from being so connected and "plugged in" to a system that is man-created. Instead, pull yourself back and focus on the much bigger Universe - even the universe that is contained within a tiny seed. It's wonders are amazing. Ponder on things as you allow the Universe to flow it's knowledge into you.

Take note of how you feel. Do you feel at peace? Were you able to relax in to the silence, or did you find yourself growing impatient or bored, or even frustrated? When we experience the negative feelings, it is simply our minds that are going through a withdraw of the electronic stimuli. Children who are allowed to sit in front of television sets or playing games continually, who have these things taken away from them, and they are forced to go outside to play, have the issues of anger even more greatly because of how addicted their minds have become to the stimuli. So, it is good for even children, to have such stimuli removed and help them to enjoy silence, and experience the wonders of the natural world around them.

When I look at the saying "silence is golden", I envision the gold that can be found in the auras of those who are highly developed spiritually. This gold is the Divine Connection that is seen in the auras of those individuals - especially in aura photography.

Gold in the aura signifies a "Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person. Gold is the colour of enlightenment and divine protection when observed in the aura colors. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is divinely guided.When looking at aura colors gold also indicates a strong connection to the “I AM” presence of the Divine." [Source]

When you take time to experience silence, and you apply this to your life each day, you will find yourself discovering more, as the Universe can now connect with you and teach you as you need, and your Spirit Self and your Conscious Self become One. You will be privvy to thoughts and ideas you never had previously, and then you will stumble across something, or someone, where your thoughts become validated and you receive confirmation. This is when you know that you are in a harmonious vibrational frequency with the Universe, your Spirit and your Conscious Self.


©Leyla Hur
All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of this material without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.

Monday, March 26, 2012

"I Am" - How You Co-Create Your Destiny

When I awoke this morning, just before doing my morning meditation, I felt strongly urged to talk about this concept of "I Am". Then, as I do often before starting my work, I checked into Facebook and to the Village of Abundance group. And what do I see before my eyes? Yet another confirmation from the Universe that I am on a conducive vibrational frequency, by a small post by my friend Tee Crane, entitled "I Am".

I chuckle at these things right now, not out of EGO, but rather with a sense of extreme joy. Last night, as I finished writing about Divine DNA and was editing it, I turned on an interview Oprah conducted with Wayne Dyer. He was talking about, what he calls the "spark of God" which is the same thing that I call "Divine DNA". It was an electrifying moment of confirmation, that I am providing what the Universe knows needs to be heard right now. It truly is an exciting prospect serving as one is meant to serve; going with the flow and allowing the Universe to carry you as It so needs. It's complete surrender of EGO and Self, and then receiving the knowledge that you're on track. It's an extremely powerful experience and emotion.

I do not believe in "coincidence". I believe that every single thing that happens, happens for a reason. Maybe it is a lesson in learning, maybe it is to help us gauge how far along we are in our progress of growth, and maybe it is simply confirmation telling us that we are exactly where we need to be at this present moment, doing that which we need to be doing which is on the same vibrational frequency as the Universe.

Since Tee's little post had such an impact on me, I feel it only fair to share it here with you before I continue on.

"I AM is clarity - it requires no description. 
Our identity is not our circumstance. 
When we say things such as "I am poor", or "I am suffering" 
- we express our confusion. 
In truth who I AM is ALL that is. 
Each of us is an aspect of the divine - not an emotion, or a situation 
- but the true and complete power and presence of all creation 
- that is what stirs within us. That is who we truly are. 
All else is illusion. Be convinced of your magnificence." 
~ Tee Crane

* * *    * * *    * * * 

When I first heard the concept of "I Am", it was as a young teenager. My mother was teaching me the power of the words "I Am" and how these two simple words, made impacts that created destinies. She told me "Leyla, you can become all that you wish to become by simply saying the words, "I Am"."

At the time, I did not understand her. Was she speaking about magic? Making anything happen? I was confused. She also told me to be careful about what I created. As Tee beautifully says in his quote above, "I Am" is a beautiful clarity, but when we identify ourselves with things of the negative, we confuse our "I Am", and in confusion easily comes chaos.

What is "I Am"? For this, it is necessary to go back to the time of Moses in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, when asked what is God's name, God replies "I Am That I Am". To loosely quote The Moses Code's explanation, simply adding a comma, changes everything; "I Am That, I Am".

This really does change everything.

In his explanation of coming to this conclusion, Neale Donald Walsche explained how for 60 minutes he identified himself with everything he observed and made the statement "I am that" whenever he saw anyone. Finally, his friend asked him what was he talking about, and Neale explained that he was just observing that he was the homeless person, the angry person, etc. His friend answered and said that he was not a homeless man, or someone angry or a child that he was himself. And Neale answered "No, really I am that, I am"; and at that moment he saw that everything correlated, that as God is everything, so are we everything.

While this helps us to identify with others, on the same Divine DNA level, there is also another side to "I Am"; which, by the way, is the most powerful statement in our Universe.

God answered "I Am That, I Am" (comma added), and the way our minds are wired, when we say "I Am" we are in essence creating a "That" and making that solidifying declaration "I Am".

The way that our Spirit bodies and minds work, it believes that when we declare "I Am" (and it is a declaration) we are stating a true fact. This is the key, to manifesting everything into our lives - positive or negative (as we so choose). When we make this declaration, our psyches begin to work on our physical Selves and spurning us to action, thus actively becoming a participant in the creation of our manifested desires.

For instance, when diagnosed with diabetes several years ago, I tried very hard to not identify with the diagnosis, to not own it. I refused to say "I Am, a diabetic". It was a diagnosis, it was not who "I" was. I refused to own it. While it is something that is in my body, what I Am doing is working to eradicate it from my body with diet and exercise.

Another vice that I struggled with for 30 years, is smoking cigarettes. It has been an on again, off again roller coaster ride. Over a year ago, after my father died, I was in a place where I felt like I was covered in complete darkness in my sorrow, I once again returned to that crutch of smoking. For the past six months, I have discussed quitting together with my husband, but did not have the sense or will power to really "want to". Finally, night before last, I made my decision and I put down my last cigarette and declared "I Am a non-smoker". For the past two days, I have gone about my day without even the smallest craving for a cigarette, because I Am a non-smoker. It is something I know and because I have made the declaration, it simply is.

We manifest things into our lives constantly. We are the co-creators of our lives and our destinies. When we say things like "I am sick, I am struggling, I am not doing well, I am poor, I am sad, I am depressed... etc", we manifest these things into our lives with an abundance of negativity that generally comes with each thing. The more we believe in these "I Am's" the more we become buried and lost underneath them.

When my Dad passed away in 2010, it was the final straw that broke my back and broke me down. I'd retired from my radio show, my consulting, speaking engagements and my magazine towards the end of 2009 and totally retired at the beginning of 2010. I was becoming bored and lost in this self-imposed place where I was attempting to take time to work on my health and create positive change.

Instead, the opposite happened. The further I came away from my path and Light, and allowed EGO (Edging God Out) to take over, the worst I was feeling and the worst my life was going. Life was not flowing, and it felt like I was caught up behind a big obstacle and all around me things were becoming stagnant.

When my Dad passed away, it felt like the bottom of my world caved in and I was in a free-fall to rock bottom, but I just wasn't hitting it. For eight months, I sat in my home with my blinds pulled closed, a note on my front door telling anyone who might choose to visit to not disturb, literally in my arm chair staring into space. I truly was lost at that time. The more I said "I Am so sad. I Am so depressed. I Am so lost." the more I became sad, depressed, and lost; and with it also came more outside situations that seemed to drag me down further. I even forgot to not identify with my diagnoses and would say "I Am sick. I Am diabetic". The moment I began owning these things, my blood glucose readings went out of control. It was as if they had taken on a life of their own and were now ruling my body and ruling over me. And yes, I did become quite sick.

Once I realised what was happening, I also knew that I had the power to create the change I wanted, and I needed to see, in my life. Sometimes, these reminders come in the form of a good friend who will say something in passing, but it is at the right time and place that the Universe has provided, that it hits you with a "bang", and you slap your hand to your forehead and say "Oh du'h!" because you remember everything in a split instant.

The minute I had my "A-ha... du'h" moment, I began actively creating positive change in my life. I began to change my "I Am's" and in so doing, things began positively manifesting for me. My health is increasing, I Am full of energy, I Am feeling great. I Am surrounded with opportunities to serve, and I Am thrilled with this.

This is a powerful statement. It is a Creation statement.

A little exercise for you to try: Get together with some friends, and give them each a piece of paper and a pen. While you are having fun, in conversation, maybe having lunch, have them mark down how many times you say "I Am" in the time that you are together. And have them mark down what you followed "I Am" with. For example "Mary, I am so tired of being alone and single".

At the end of your get-together, look over how many times you said "I Am" and what it was you followed "I Am with". This will give you a good indicator of what it is that you are creating in your life.

As you look over these things, take a bit of time for some introspection and reflect on your life and where you are at right now in this present moment. Are you living the life of your dreams? Are you lacking in any area(s)? Can you see a correlation with your "I Am" statements with what has been manifested in your life?

The following day, become very aware of what it is that you say and how you say it. Realise that each time you say "I Am" you are co-creating your future with these words. So, you will want to find a different way to express things - especially if they are negative things.

For instance, you are having issues with your boss or co-worker. Instead of telling your friends "I am sick and tired of my boss/co-worker. I am having real issues with them", you may like to say instead "I am finding positive ways to interact with my boss/co-worker". It changes the whole energy and your own thought pattern(s); as well, it creates an opportunity for the Universe to bring you positive ways to handle the situation(s).

And remember, if we go back to what I mentioned earlier the exercise that Neale Donald Walsche conducted in looking at everything and identifying saying "I Am that", it helps to open our eyes and find that connection, and therefore compassion towards others. Especially those who may be acting adversely around us. The saying "walk a mile in another's shoe" fits aptly here.


* Learn more about cracking the code on the great theory of "I Am" through the movie and the book "The Moses Code" by James Twyman, here.

©Leyla Hur
All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of this material without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Divine DNA - It Connects Us All

I would like to speak about the Divine DNA.

What is this Divine DNA that I often speak about? And how does it affect each of us?

To answer this, it is important that I delve into many religions, and spiritual, belief that "we are all created in the image of God". And so, we have to also ask, if this is true, why do we all look different and not the same? Why are there people of varying colours on this world? If we were all some Master Race, created after the image of a Central Being, wouldn't we all look the same, act the same, like the same things, and have the same thoughts, like some robotic nation?

What most humans miss in this most specific point, is that what is created the "same" is not the physical body, instead it is our energy body, or our souls. And I don't necessarily mean the "look" of the souls, but more the energy matter that forms our souls. Our individual "personalities" are still our own.

For those brought up in religion where they truly do believe that God is a man, with a body of flesh and bone, this concept may be a little harder to grasp. But stay with me here because it may become clearer further along.

Those who believe that "God" is an energy force, thus being able to truly be Omnipotent as S/He truly is, this will be easier to understand.

For many of us, we believe that God; the Universe, Spirit, Source, The All (whatever name you choose to call the Creative Force), is an energy form. It is without beginning and without end. It can manifest how It chooses and as It is energy form, can be everywhere at one time, and IN everything.

Most of us can also agree that what is driving these physical bodies, is an energy form, that is commonly called "The Soul". Which is why, when these physical bodies die, we do not die, but continue on in energy consciousness, never ending.

When I speak of the Divine DNA, it relates to our souls.

Most of us have had the experience of thinking about someone, and then they give us a call out-of-the-blue, or we bump into them in an obscure place. Or we meet someone for the first time, and we just click and it feels like we have known them forever. Why does this happen? What causes this?

The answer is simple, Divine DNA.

OK, let me break it down.

God is an energy form, energy matter than is omnipotent and can be everywhere at one time, is all-seeing, and all-powerful. We are each created in the image of God. That means that a part of the Divine force that makes up God, is contained within our own soul make-up. It is a connection, a link, that connects all of us. Which is why we can get these feelings when we meet someone for the first time, our "instinct", or "intuition"; whether we're going to like them or not. The more we are open in Awareness, the more we can tap in to that intuition. This is how we communicate with God and the Angels. For example, those who belong to a religion will quite often be heard saying "I prayed about it, and the Spirit moved me to take action to..." (and you can fill in the blank such as, propose, move, take the job, go to this college, etc). In other words, when we pray and we receive answers to those prayers in that "still-small voice", what that voice is, is God talking back and communicating through this link. It is a connection that can be explained as a kind of energy field that is linking us, etherically to the "Collective" Whole that is the God-energy.

Along those same lines of connection, we each "communicate" with each other. Obviously then, we are all connected by this same DNA which is what truly makes us all family, on the spiritual level.

Now, as I have explained how we each are all connected by the same Divine DNA, and how we are all created in the image of the Central Creative Force, in that our spirits are created in that image, the same principle applies when we talk about animals.

People ask me, "Leyla, you refer to animals as your four-legged, or winged, or scaled "cousins", what do you mean?"

Exactly what I said. They are my "cousins" - or my "Spirit family members". OK, let me explain...

While most of us look at familial-relationships in terms of earth-based blood and physical, scientific DNA; but what I am referring to, is Divine DNA. Through this DNA, we are not only connected to every other human being on this earth, but we are also connected to every other sentient being upon this earth.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, this places even greater responsibility on all of us.

Those of us who have woken up, or are waking up, to Consciousness and Awareness, this information is important for our evolutionary progression.

Each time you drive down the street, and you get angry at the driver in front of you that cut you off, and you scream at them - as if they are nothing more than the vehicle they are driving in, you are in essence raising your voice and creating anger to a spirit brother or sister. And because of that Divine DNA that connects you to them, their souls pick up on this anger. This can create further anger that they can pass on to another, and so on. The same principle works with the idea of passing things forward. So, if you do something kind for one person, it affects them (or someone observing the scenario), and they are inspired to help another person - and again that energy can perpetuate. And if we are all moving on the same vibrational frequency in giving and helping, kindness, love and acceptance; we can really make a big difference. This is why the theory of the
Butterfly Effect, actually makes complete sense.

For those who believe in the idealogy that God is a human-being with a body of flesh and bone, you will probably have been taught that we are all Spirit brothers and sisters. This extends further than within the bounds of the religion that your fellow brothers and sisters belongs, but extends to the entire human race. It extends also further, to include all sentient beings. The same principle of all beings being created by a Central Creator, lends a piece of that Creator in all Be-ings. It is that "piece" of the Creator, that still connects us all.

Here's a fun little experiment for you to try. Next time you are out, and you decide to talk about a person you are observing at a distance, notice if they turn around and look at you directly. They probably did not hear what you said, but their soul did. Or if you think/talk about a particular body part, like their nose, watch within a few minutes, how they will scratch their nose or touch their nose. It's quite amazing, but it is the simplest experiment that I used to play as a game when I was a child together with my mother when she was teaching me that we are all connected.

When you go into the hospitals, and you go into the rooms of those who are in comas, the staff will often tell you to speak to them because studies have found that patients in comas can understand, even when there is little-to-no brain activity. What these patients are actually hearing and sometimes even reacting to (through hand squeezes, eyes fluttering open, etc), is heard, not through the physical ears and mind, but through the ethereal, and spirit ears... That same Divine DNA.

In my previous post, I spoke about the Mind, Body, Soul connection, and what we can do to become more connected. And I spoke about the toxins that enter the body from the energy of fear and abuse that animals receive prior to slaughter. I am now going to take this even further. Because all sentient Be-ings are created from the same Creator, and all sentient Be-ings all share the same Divine DNA, and all sentient Be-ings are therefore all connected, that means that on the Spiritual plain, we are all related. As the saying goes "one big happy family".

So, when we consume the flesh of an animal, or the life-giving fluids that has been created solely for the animals own young, or we eat the ovule that has not been fertilized into a life; we are in fact consuming those things which we are connected to on a spiritual level. In the plain manner of saying, we are acting as ethereal cannibals. Or as one of my friends says "zombies".

Over the centuries, there have been many Masters who have taught about spiritual nirvana and how to attain spiritual and temporal bliss while having this earthly experience; almost all have been vegetarian, and even vegan. Because they understand the Divine DNA connection and the importance of not taking death into the human body. It weights us down spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Science has now proven that consuming animal products is in fact harmful to the human body and health.

To walk the path to attain Awareness, it is most important that we each live in compassion of all other sentient Be-ings. We must each become of the mindset and existence of complete and total acceptance of one and all. Yes, even those whom you feel has acted against another. It is not for us to become the ones to judge, that is interfering in the karma of another. Remember, when we are aware of the Divine DNA connection, we must also be aware that we can easily become a part of the karma of another, even if we do not know them personally in this physical world.

This is why, when I hear people saying that such and such person should be put to death, or such an such person should "burn in hell"; my dear friends, I grow concerned because even in such passing conversation and beliefs, you are aligning your Self with the karma of another.

It is not to say that as humans we cannot feel anger or other emotions, when we learn of an innocent child being murdered for no reason; but when we look at the Law of Karma, it will become necessary to also ask ourselves, "what is the karmic bond that these two individuals, child and adult" shared? There is a possibility that the individual who murdered needed to learn a valuable lesson while in this human incarnation; and the one who was murdered needed to be the individual who created the lesson. Or possibly, it was a past life experience that was brought full cycle in this experience.

We each tend to look at others with our human eyes. This is because we are born human, raised human by humans, and influenced by humans and are having a human experience; and often, it is not until we are further along in life that we open our minds and hearts to the influence of Spirit. So, with those same human eyes and emotions, we view situations and allow our emotions to overtake us and we react. It is important to realise that when we react, we also create a chain-reaction that can affect us through the Law of Karma and the Divine DNA.

This is something that takes practice to be able to not react in situations, but to be observant and understand why we are experiencing this knowledge within the situation - whether we are simply observing via TV screen or computer screen, or we are involved personally; is for a reason for either a) our own spiritual growth, or b) a karmic experience that needs to be fulfilled. Being aware of our feelings, reactions, thoughts, and being conscious of our Selves and stopping our Selves before we speak or pass a judgement without first thinking what the consequences could produce, will help us in time act naturally to this state. It is a matter of creating habit - in time, habit becomes 1st nature. And through this habit, we align ourselves more with our Spiritual
Selves, and in doing this, we also open ourselves to more opportunities and further Spiritual growth in teaching and in learning, which is our purpose for being here upon this earth, having this human experience, at this very moment in time.


©Leyla Hur
All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of this material without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.


Connect to Source, Growing Spiritually

When we are looking for connection with Source, or to grow Spiritually, it is important that we connect on all levels and with all Be-ings. It is most important to connect body, mind, and spirit.

Body: Invest in time to study out what is good for the body. This includes nutrition and exercise. What is nutrition? Good, wholesome foods; such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and plant-based sources of protein. Juicing. Water.

Eliminate those things from your body that cause distress. This includes products that come from animals. Even animals on organic farms must go through premature and unnatural death for human Be-ings taste choices. The fear that animals go through prior to death, releases toxins within that animals body. When humans consume the meat of animals, we intake into us those toxins as well as the energy of violence and terror that the animal endured prior to death. Even drinking things such as milk or consuming diary, has been brought through distress to the animal. Most cows are raised to produce gross amounts of milk, while they are impregnated artificially yearly, and then enduring the pain and sorrow of their calf being taken away from them after 24 hours. This sorrow and heart-wrenching pain once again produces a toxic energy that is released into the fluids contained within the udders, which is then transferred into the human body when we consume such.

When we look at the state of our world, is there truly any question why our world is in such a state that it is in? So much anger, hostility, violence? In places where individuals live in peace and harmony and where they practice mind, body, spirit connection; we find that there is a greater sense of harmony and love for all Be-ings.

Choosing a complete plant-based diet, brings the energy of peace and compassion into the human body - and thusly also aids in the connection of mind and spirit.

Juicing is incredibly healthy for the body. It helps to eliminate toxins from the body and it is through intaking juice that the nutrients flow more easily into the body's system than even through eating vegetables and fruits.

While it is not for everyone to live on a 90% raw food diet, individuals should definitely attempt to add more raw plant-based foods in their diets. From a spiritual stand-point, intaking raw foods connects individuals to the etheric, life-giving, energy form of the plant, thus aiding, again in the mind-spirit connection.

Removing chemically created items from our bodies also helps in creating a purity. Even those things which are natural in nature, have been so filled with chemical additives to cause addiction of the body and mind. These addictions cause us to become locked inside a prison, where there is such freedom that can be attained simply by removing those things which are chemically created.

Exercise is important to get the body's motion flowing. It aids in so many areas, besides weight loss.

Exercising can be as simple as taking a walk or swimming. It does not need to be high-impact, and as best as possible, should be undertaken out-doors where one can connect to nature and the natural environment. Even as we live in cities, walking in a park can connect one through trees, plants, and flowers.

Daily meditation is important for the mind-spirit connection. Taking the time to simply "connect". Turning off the phone, the TV, the radio or other outside stimilus and just being "quiet".

Meditation can be found in prayer, and the repetition of chant. But the best form of meditation is simply, to be silent.

When was the last time you sat in a room, and just enjoyed the silence? Allowing this to become a habit, will amazingly wake up senses that we do not generally rely on. Senses of sound, but more importantly, intuition or "gut instinct".

Finding the silence in life is not "boring", but opens ourselves up to receiving. Giving us the opportunity to be more open to observing when opportunities present themselves to us, understanding our intuition when something could present us with issues further down the road.

Amazingly, silence can also help us to enjoy better health. Simply being silent and becoming more aware, our Spirit-bodies - or our souls - become more in alignment to our natural state.


Often, I have been told that an individual feels uncomfortable simply "smiling" at nothing. When we look around our world and observe those who travel past us when we are at the supermarket, or in a mall, or driving past us; we do not often see individuals simply smiling without some kind of outside stimuli to create that smile.

When we open our eyes and we observe, the inhabitants of our world can often look so incredibly bleek with frowns on their faces as they rush through their activities.

When we place a smile on our face, we feel something different inside of us. We start to breathe from our diaphrams and feel more peace. What is truly happening, is that we are creating a connection from our physical bodies with that of our spirit bodies. We start to become At One with Source.

These things are not about religion, but ascends further than religion and goes direct to the source. You can remain in the religion of your choice, and still live this way. Changing these things in your life, will connect you further within and outside to your Power Source.

So, if you are a Christian, or a Muslim, or Jewish, or Buddhist, or any other religion, you can connect deeper to your religion and that which you call Creator, by becoming a better source of inspiration and Light for yourSelf and others around you.

Try living this way for 30-days, and in 30-days see how YOU feel, journal your experiences, the way you react, or do not react, to situations that arise around you, and how you connect to others. If you find that you are living more in peace, and with a deeper connection, then you can continue on.

I would love to hear your thoughts after your 30-days, and will enjoy guiding you along further.



©Leyla Hur
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